Friday, September 14, 2007

Category X , Y , Z

Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords Category X
Max CPC - cost-per-click suggested by the tool to get first ad position on this keyword. This is a good estimation of what the highest cost per click is for the given keyword.

Avg CPC - average cost-per-click suggested by the tool for highest bidder. Because ads are rotated and bids are automatically lowered to match the next ad, this is the average cost than the highest bidder would pay for one click. This is a good estimation of your average cost for one click.

The CPC rates are guaranteed to be the same as returned by Google Adwords Traffic Estimator tool on the day of compilation!.
Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC $
x box for sale 6 1.06
x box game console 4 1.06
x box system 25 0.97
x box video game 23 0.78
x box bundle 6.8 0.77
x box game system 34 0.7
x box wireless 5.9 0.65
x box holiday bundle 23 0.59
x box console 99 0.57
x box controller 6.7 0.56
x box com 13 0.52
x box game 74 0.5
x box prices 3.7 0.49
x box 1100 0.38

Category Y
Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords Category Y

Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC $
yahoo domain 40 4.39
yellow page advertising 4.8 3.71
yahoo domain name 6 3.34
yahoo chat com 21 2.34
yellow diamonds 22 2.26
yosemite vacation rental 0.88 1.82
your site 320 1.79
yellow freight 28 1.52
yellow ribbon 89 1.27
your money 230 0.94
yellow bracelet 39 0.91
yahoo music 51 0.89
yellow cab 110 0.73
yellow labrador 9.2 0.59
yahoo travel 20 0.56
Yoga 3500 0.52
yamaha 7000 0.47
yellow box shoes 66 0.44

Category Z
Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords Category Z

Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC $
zire pda 85 1.61
zenith television 69 1.6
zoology degree 2.9 1.49
zoppini 98 0.97
zyban 69 0.75

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