Thursday, September 13, 2007

Category E

Google Adsense Top Paying Keywords Category E
Max CPC - cost-per-click suggested by the tool to get first ad position on this keyword. This is a good estimation of what the highest cost per click is for the given keyword.

Avg CPC - average cost-per-click suggested by the tool for highest bidder. Because ads are rotated and bids are automatically lowered to match the next ad, this is the average cost than the highest bidder would pay for one click. This is a good estimation of your average cost for one click.

The CPC rates are guaranteed to be the same as returned by Google Adwords Traffic Estimator tool on the day of compilation!.
Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC $
email marketing software 20 9.25
ecommerce hosting 22 8.12
eharmony 1500 7.5
education degree online 17 7.26
e commerce hosting 21 6.39
email marketing 150 6.32
ecommerce software 41 5.32
email domain hosting 5.6 4.95
ematch 1.6 4.39
express credit 56 4.34
earn money online 23 4.13
engineering degree online 13 4.03
education degree 48 3.99
earn money 170 3.71
euro money 31 3.42
erp software 52 3.39
equifax credit 94 3.35
extra money 30 3.29
entertainment book 150 3.24
email software 170 3.23
equifax com 72 3.23
equifax 610 3.21
europe cruise 19 3.19
easy money 110 2.92
eminis 2.4 2.73
european cruise 9.4 2.69
ergistration 0.05 2.66
england car rental 250 2.65
event marketing 54 2.59
engineering degree 50 2.58
email hosts 1.9 2.56
exercise bike 310 2.49
equipment rental 230 2.48
egold 54 2.44
expired domain 22 2.31
earn 300 2.01
eloan 68 19.47
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educational software 150 1.98
email list 250 1.96
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electronic dictionary 190 1.71
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executive car hire 9.3 1.65
errors and omissions 28 1.63
e marketing 140 1.53
errors & omissions 5.4 1.34
email lookup 69 1.32
e gold 370 1.31
emprunt 160 1.28
e mail lookup 4.6 1.24
empire poker 23 1.09
england travel 46 1.05
english wheel 11 1.02
english as a second language 74 0.99
embassy suites 320 0.98
express money 14 0.96
educational toy 110 0.9
emprunts 30 0.89
email address lookup 20 0.87
european flight 11 0.87
english saddle 11 0.86
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exitexchange 2 0.36
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epargne 580 0.1

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