Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking sites are a little different.
Some allow you to create a profile, while others will make you create an account so that you can just post links.

But once again, do not bombard these sites with link after link (or story after story)!

I don’t know if you know this or not, but I have read that search engines (especially Google) do not like to see a site go from nonexistent to thousands of visitors a day – overnight. It’s not all that natural or normal!

So, use a modest approach and do it over time. Spread your love over time ;-)

I suggest that you keep some kind of promotion journal (in a spreadsheet) so that you can keep track of each of your sites/products and what avenues you use to help create traffic.
Social Bookmarking Sites Google PR Alexa
http://bookmarks.yahoo.com 7 1
http://myweb.yahoo.com 8 1
http://www.google.com/notebook 7 3
http://favorites.live.com 6 5
http://www.digg.com 8 104
http://mystuff.ask.com 8 194
http://www.technorati.com 8 238
http://del.icio.us 8 260
http://www.stumbleupon.com 8 288
http://www.netscape.com 9 525
http://www.reddit.com 7 861
http://www.meneame.net 7 1,762
http://www.fark.com 7 2,049
http://www.ilike.com 6 2,945
http://www.mog.com 6 3,284
http://www.newsvine.com 7 4,173
http://www.furl.net 8 4,179
http://www.blinklist.com 6 4,852
http://www.dzone.com 6 5,071
http://www.clipmarks.com 6 6,834
http://www.pligg.com 6 6,875
http://www.kaboodle.com 6 7,066
http://www.bumpzee.com 4 7,214
http://ma.gnolia.com 7 7,416
http://www.rollyo.com 7 8,153
http://www.jaiku.com 6 8,506
http://www.9rules.com 8 8,691
http://www.startaid.com 4 9,069
http://www.shoutwire.com 5 10,216
http://www.bluedot.us 6 10,224
http://www.gather.com 6 10,446
http://www.simpy.com 7 11,018
http://www.nowpublic.com 7 13,077
http://www.plugim.com 5 13,733
http://www.stylehive.com 5 14,062
http://www.spurl.net 6 14,448
http://www.blinkbits.com 6 14,621
http://www.librarything.com 7 14,929
http://www.blogmarks.net 6 15,334
http://www.netvouz.com 6 15,486
http://www.diigo.com 6 16,328
http://www.wink.com 6 17,483
http://www.corank.com 5 18,063
http://www.popurls.com 6 18,542
http://www.mister-wong.com 6 19,913
http://www.backflip.com 6 20,036
http://www.rojo.com 8 24,035
http://www.shadows.com 6 26,359
http://www.bloghop.com 6 28,551
http://www.rawsugar.com 6 28,679
http://www.listible.com 6 28,854
http://www.thoof.com 4 29,996
http://www.tailrank.com 7 31,764
http://www.wists.com 5 32,096
http://www.bibsonomy.org 6 32,143
http://www.plime.com 6 32,608
http://my.xilinus.com 5 33,992
http://www.yoono.com 7 37,043
http://www.searchles.com 6 38,080
http://www.hugg.com 6 40,325
http://www.citeulike.org 7 42,690
http://www.kuro5hin.org 7 43,416
http://de.lirio.us 7 44,008
http://www.spotback.com 5 44,542
http://www.spotplex.com 6 45,914
http://www.fazed.org 5 46,862
http://www.kinja.com 7 48,083
http://www.connotea.org 7 50,838
http://www.markaboo.com 5 51,636
http://www.stylefeeder.com 6 52,124
http://www.i89.us 4 52,467
http://www.linkagogo.com 6 53,642
http://www.lifelogger.com 5 57,816
http://www.feedmelinks.com 6 58,515
http://www.tagtooga.com 5 58,629
http://www.buddymarks.com 5 59,264
http://www.claimid.com 7 59,735
http://www.clipfire.com 7 59,735
http://www.linkroll.com 5 60,704
http://www.bmaccess.net 4 67,799
http://www.aboogy.com 4 68,810
http://www.oyax.com 4 70,420
http://www.gravee.com 5 71,022
http://www.butterflyproject.nl 5 82,517
http://www.myhq.com 5 84,174
http://www.wirefan.com 3 86,989
http://ww2.ikeepbookmarks.com 3 99,132
http://www.a1-webmarks.com 4 102,467
http://www.connectedy.com 4 102,786
http://www.sitejot.com 4 104,531
http://www.linkatopia.com 5 104,757
http://www.myvmarks.com 5 107,019
http://www.getboo.com 4 107,787
http://www.mylinkvault.com 5 107,919
http://www.urlex.info 4 111,942
http://www.lilisto.com 5 117,882
http://www.philoi.com 4 119,466
http://www.syncone.net 4 120,241
http://www.syncone.net 4 120,241
http://www.30daytags.com 4 121,240
http://www.shoppersbase.com 4 121,787
http://www.linkfilter.net 6 126,289
http://www.voo2do.com 6 130,419
http://www.jeteye.com 7 139,913
http://www.hanzoweb.com 5 147,791
http://www.myprogs.net 5 153,994
http://www.reader2.com 5 154,589
http://www.fungow.com 4 161,631
http://www.feedmarker.com 6 183,175
http://www.zlitt.com 3 186,557
http://www.hyperlinkomatic.com 5 188,099
http://www.tektag.com 4 195,310
http://dev.upian.com/hotlinks/ 6 197,988
http://www.givealink.org 5 206,332
http://www.unalog.com 5 209,357
http://www.plum.com 5 212,421
http://www.ifaves.com 4 243,925
http://www.taggly.com 5 244,560
http://www.rrove.com 5 270,344
http://www.maple.nu 0 273,975
http://www.links2go.com 6 292,911
http://www.sync2it.com 5 294,608
http://www.saveyourlinks.com 5 298,538
http://www.web-feeds.com 5 302,599
http://www.ez4u.net 4 304,278
http://www.allmyfavorites.net 4 324,449
http://www.6-clicks.com 4 342,096
http://www.ambedo.com 5 370,925
http://www.cloudytags.com 4 375,411
http://www.dohat.com 4 378,369
http://www.chipmark.com 2 391,193
http://www.bookkit.com 4 404,019
http://www.wobblog.com 4 412,265
http://www.meme-stream.com 3 419,904
http://www.thinkpocket.com 4 428,727
http://www.yattle.com 3 452,735
http://www.tutorialism.com 4 454,097
http://www.carnatic.com/www/ 5 455,733
http://www.2centsnews.com 3 497,794
http://www.gibeo.net 6 516,754
http://www.portachi.com 4 523,206
http://www.aworldofhelp.com 3 540,229
http://www.tabmarks.com 3 602,582
http://supr.c.ilio.us 5 671,434
http://www.sitetagger.com 0 675,383
http://www.trexy.com 6 789,323
http://www.openserving.com 6 818,185
http://www.allyourwords.com 5 877,650
http://thumblicio.us 6 930,264
http://www.newsweight.com 2 940,884
http://www.nextaris.com 6 964,600
http://www.pixelmo.com 4 1,028,271
http://www.listmixer.com 5 1,425,518
http://www.wurldbook.com 6 1,470,607
http://www.memfrag.com 4 1,490,036
http://www.feedalley.com 5 1,659,422
http://www.smelis.com 4 2,141,471
http://www.recipe-buzz.com 0 4,011,082


Hemanshu Patel said...

one latest rapidly growing Bookmarking related website is www.ShareThis.co.cc.

Unknown said...
